Areas of Expertise
Solution Focused Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a goal-focused evidence-based therapeutic approach, which incorporates positive psychology principles and practices, and which helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems. In the most basic sense, SFT is a hope friendly, positive emotion eliciting, future-oriented vehicle for formulating, motivating, achieving, and sustaining desired behavioral change.
Solution-Focused practitioners develop solutions by first generating a detailed description of how the client’s life will be different when the problem is gone or their situation improved to a degree satisfactory to the client.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
While many theories of orientation can be utilized in a session, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common theory of orientation presented during sessions. CBT is a type of talk therapy (psychotherapy) that focuses on patterns of thinking and the beliefs, attitudes, and values that underlie thinking. CBT involves learning new skills to manage your symptoms. It teaches you new ways of thinking and behaving that can help you get control over your thoughts, actions and behaviors in the long-run.
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a non-invasive, medication-free approach for treating a variety of different conditions. Neurofeedback encourages the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity. The goal of treatment is not only to change how you think and feel, but also to change your brain on a biological level for better functioning. Recent research has shown that when given the proper support, the brain has the ability to change and adapt, a property known as neuroplasticity. Neurofeedback can encourage and speed up this process of neuroplasticity. Words alone are often not enough. Simply telling someone to calm down or focus doesn’t solve the underlying issues of conditions like anxiety or ADHD. Neurofeedback allows us to speak to the brain with its own language: brain waves. An individual’s brain can be mapped by the use of non-invasive electrodes. From here, it provides the practitioner a map to how and why the brain is functioning and a treatment protocol can be assessed and implemented.
Person Centered Therapy
Person-centered therapy focuses on the client's feelings, experiences, and thoughts as the pathways to individual growth. The process of person-centered counseling takes time, hard work, and dedication. The person-centered therapist learns to recognize and trust human potential, providing clients with empathy and unconditional positive regard to help facilitate change.
Denver, CO Counseling and Neurofeedback Services & Online Counseling and Neurofeedback Services For Colorado Residents
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Neurofeedback and counseling have the ability to treat a wide array of symptoms and mental concerns, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, Autism, PTSD, poor sleep, chronic pain, feeling stuck, an inability to focus, ruminations, and many more challenges. Neurofeedback and counseling treatment can help you get you back to the person you know that you truly are.
Either during the treatment process or after completion, many are able to move from surviving life to creating the life they want, full of joy and presence.
Anxiety Therapy
Feeling anxious can keep you stuck and immobile in life, preventing you from having the experiences you want and becoming who you are meant to be in this life. This takes valuable energy away from you daily and can block the creation process or affect important relationships.
Through psychoeducation of the physiology of anxiety and learning to connect your body's feelings and sensations from your past to your present, you can learn what is really underneath the anxiety. You will then feel the ability to rejoin the life you want.
Depression Therapy
Depression may mean that you feel numb, hopeless, and powerless. Or, it could show up like a lack of energy, needing to take a nap every day, or fighting to get out of bed in the morning. Additionally, you may wake to find yourself sad or blue and not really know why.
Therapy can help you discover the potential meaning of these uncomfortable emotions which often mean that you are not in alignment somehow with your true self through your thoughts or actions. And, once on the other side of these emotions, you can experience normal sadness as its own emotion, but that's it! You can be done with it, and it will not be a discrete undertow that colors your daily interactions.
ADHD Therapy
ADHD comes in a few flavors, hyperactive and impulsive, inattentive and distracted, or both. Some with ADHD may feel not enough, always making mistakes, stupid, or unmotivated. Others may feel like they are always irritable, need constant distractions or noise, and can't shift into relaxation while another group feels like their foot is on the gas and the break at the same time!
Understanding how your brain type works develops self-awareness that allows for non-judgement and self-acceptance. You are perfect the way you are, just have a different way of learning and being. With this knowledge and acceptance, self-esteem rises, and you work with and honor who you are.
PTSD and Complex PTSD Therapy
PTSD can either be a single incident, or be as a result of ongoing situations, abuse and neglect (cPTSD). Intrusive thoughts, an exaggerated startle response, duck and covering with loud noises, poor memory, poor sleep, irritability, and negative perceptions are just some of the many impairing symptoms that you may experience.
Relief can be enjoyed through working through either the brain or the body's physiology of learned responses. You can feel lighter and the feeling of freedom that comes with not having to manage triggers.
Childhood Trauma Therapy
Having a childhood trauma history can be overt or invisible to many. You may feel a sense of shame that goes very deep, feel powerless, have inexplicable fears, hypervigilance, unpredictable mood swings, and perhaps the worst feeling, that of feeling isolated and disconnected from others.
A combination of neurofeedback and therapy can help lessen the impact or resolve these feelings and perceptions that zap you of your energy and resources. You can heal and rebuild those relationships that may have suffered due to your symptoms and allow you to feel like a participant in your life again.